Introduction to Storytelling Course, March 2020

Introduction to Storytelling Course, March 2020 This spring, before the lockdown, we had a short and sweet “Introduction to Storytelling” course as part of the adult training programme at the Village. On the last evening, some people shared a full story for the first time in the course. Wow! I

Introduction to Storytelling Course, March 20202020-05-27T09:45:44+00:00

An Experimental Plan (Feat. Pirates and Underpants)

An Experimental Plan (Feat. Pirates and Underpants) At around 3:40pm, one 8 year old boy said, “I can't read”, and asked me to read his book to him. By 3:55pm he had read a quarter of the book out loud to me, and he was asking if we could put

An Experimental Plan (Feat. Pirates and Underpants)2019-10-23T13:43:26+00:00

Guest Blog: Kirsty Cassels

Guest Blog: Kirsty Cassels This Autumn, I'm very much looking forward to working with Shona Cowie from The Village Storytelling Centre, to run a series of architectural model making workshops for Women's Aid surrounding the topic of SHELTER. We'll be working with a select group of around 10 women from a local

Guest Blog: Kirsty Cassels2018-08-23T12:59:55+00:00

What Happens When You Share Stories With A Young Child?

What Happens When You Share Stories With A Young Child? Something clicked for me when I heard it explained like this; We used to think that the brain developed to a certain place at which point we could start to use language. Now we understand that is through language that

What Happens When You Share Stories With A Young Child?2018-08-15T12:00:07+00:00

Submissions Invited for New Storytelling Commission

Background Following the success of the 2016 Village Storytelling Festival, we have been funded for a second year, by Creative Scotland, to produce another festival in July 2017. The culmination of last year’s festival was marked by the performance of a specially commissioned piece called, ‘A Circumnavigation’ by Storyteller Ian

Submissions Invited for New Storytelling Commission2017-01-23T13:46:28+00:00

Interview with Sita Brand of Settle Stories

Festivals, Festivals, Festivals! Often, only when you start planning for something do you see the sheer range of work that is already out there. Organising next weeks Village Storytelling Festival has led us to explore so many of the wonderful storytelling festivals around the UK and further afield. Many of

Interview with Sita Brand of Settle Stories2016-03-18T16:57:43+00:00